
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Acute Bronchitis

What is Acute Bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is a sudden inflammation of the lower respiratory passages or bronchial tubes, which are basically the airways that carry air to your lungs. In most cases, acute bronchitis lasts only a few days and can get better without the need for a serious treatment. Acute bronchitis can leave a residual cough that can last for several weeks even after the infection has gone. Acute bronchitis is different from chronic bronchitis, which is a long-term disease and can be a sign of permanently declining lung function. Acute bronchitis lasts roughly 3-10 days, and is far less dangerous.

Symptoms of Acute Bronchitis
Since the infection that causes acute bronchitis starts with breathing in something harmful that effects the nose and throat, the symptoms that manifest usually include cough, shortness of breath, fever, production of mucus, fatigue and tiredness, light fever and chills
tightness in the chest and aching in the muscles and head.

Causes of Acute Bronchitis
The tubes carrying air to your lungs can become inflamed due to your surroundings. Causes of acute bronchitis include developing an infection due to a virus, inhaling smoke or smoking, breathing in other air pollution elements such as dust and fumes, and bacterial infection. In cases of viral infection, certain viruses that can trigger acute bronchitis include influenza, parainfluenza, RSV, rhinovirus, adenovirus and Corona viruses.

Risk factors of Acute Bronchitis
Certain factors can trigger and aggravate acute bronchitis, and these are known as risk factors. These include cigarette smoking, spending time in cold and damp weather, exposure to chemical fumes, and medical history. Being close to people who have a viral infection or are coughing and sneezing can also cause acute bronchitis because the disease can be contagious. People with a weaker immune system, including elderly people and small children are at a higher risk of developing acute bronchitis.

Complications of Acute Bronchitis
If the inflammation spreads or the condition of the patient worsens, acute bronchitis can develop complications such as chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis and sinusitis.

Diagnosis of Acute Bronchitis
During the physical exam, your doctor will likely use a stethoscope to listen closely to your lungs as you breathe in and out. In order to detect the cause of the acute bronchitis and to rule out the chances of more severe illnesses such as pneumonia, doctors may conduct certain tests, including sputum cytology, throat cultures, influenza tests, chest X-rays, blood gas, procalcitonin levels and even bronchoscopy.

Precautions and Preventive measures of Acute Bronchitis
There are certain precautions and preventions you can employ to avoid getting acute bronchitis or making your situation worse. For example, avoid polluted surroundings and stop smoking, drink plenty of water, wash your hands regularly and engage in regular exercise. Avoid mucus-producing food items, such as conventional dairy, sugar and fried foods.

Treatment of acute bronchitis
Acute bronchitis is not usually a dangerous illness, and can be cured with bedrest and self-care in many cases. However, in case of more severe coughing and discomfort, certain treatments may be utilized. These include homeopathic treatments, acupuncture and acupressure, using medications, i.e. conventional or allopathic means, dietary and herbal treatments, and others.

Homeopathic Treatment of Acute Bronchitis
Homeopathic treatment shortens the duration of the illness and can be a very effective natural treatment. It helps in relieving dry coughing, improving the immunity and maintaining the vitality of the body and spirit. The most popular homeopathic remedies for acute bronchitis include belladonna, Bryonia Alba, Antimonium Tart, Mercurius, Sulphur, Phosphorous, Spongia, Ipecac and Kali carb.

Acupuncture & Acupressure Treatment of Acute Bronchitis
Acupuncture can facilitate breathing by opening up the lung airways and stimulating the lung tissue to function more effectively. Applying pressure to certain energy points on the body can prevent future bronchial attacks and can improve lung function. It has also been known to strengthen the immune system.

Conventional and Allopathic Treatment of Acute Bronchitis
Allopathic treatments for bronchitis include prescriptions of cough medicine, bronchodilators that open the bronchial tubes and clear out mucus, mucolytics, anti-inflammatory meds such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and glucocorticoid steroids. Other treatments in allopathic medicine may include oxygen therapy to assist with oxygen intake for patient experiencing wheezing or breathing trouble, and antibiotics for bacterial infections.

Dietary & Herbal Treatment of Acute Bronchitis
Diet and self-care during acute bronchitis can help the patient in many ways. It is important to stay well hydrated by drinking fluids. Doctors also recommend increasing the consumption of garlic, onions, herbal teas and soups to soothe the throat. Eating a diet with a lot of anti-inflammatory foods can help strengthen your immune system and reduce inflammation. These foods include raw fruits and vegetables, and bone broth. Herbal treatments that can soothe your pain and discomfort include ingredients like ginseng, eucalyptus oil, peppermint oil and oregano oil.

Other treatments
Other treatments may include staying away from the irritant until your condition has improved. Using a humidifier can help with breathing and the warm and moist air can provide comfort when sleeping. Breathing and aerobic exercises, which can help to strengthen the muscles involved in breathing, are also good for you.

An effective exercise called pursed-lips breathing has been known to help slow breathing down, keep breathing airways open longer to allow more fresh air in, and improve the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Basically, breathe in through your nose for about two seconds, pucker your lips in a blowing or whistling motion, ]then breathe out very slowly through your pursed-lips.


Patient's Feedback

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