
Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Bed wetting

What is bed wetting?
Bed wetting is also knows as nocturnal enuresis. The person passes urine involuntarily while sleeping, and have no control over it. Nocturnal enuresis is a complicated problem and it can cause distress in patients and the children who are affected by it. The parents of the child are mostly not only concerned about the emotional effect but also the social effect bed wetting has on their child. It is extremely common in young children. However, bed wetting can continue into teenager’s years. The child feels embarrassed about bed wetting the bed and also feels guilty that it's their fault that they can't stop it. 

Symptoms of bed wetting
There are few symptoms that are common in bedwetters and can be observed by the parents. These children tend to snore. They also grind their teeth while sleeping. These children usually wake up late in the morning due to uncomfortable sleep. They may be grumpy and irritable during the day. These children also have a sleep disorder which is inherited from their parents. As bed wetting is involuntary, they do not remember the episode of wetting their bed in the morning. Any activity that involves sleeping at night somewhere other than their home can cause children to feel anxious and embarrassed. 

Causes of bed wetting
There are reasons why children wet their bed. These include certain diseases. Children with Down's syndrome and Attention Deficit Disorder tend to cause bed wetting. Any disease that may increase urine production by the body of child can cause bed wetting, when the children drinks fluids before sleeping have higher incidents of bed wetting. Children who have infection in their urinary system tend to wet their bed as the infection irritates the bladder mucosa which makes it difficult for the child to control the urine passing. Stress in children also acts as a cause of bed wetting. Bed wetting tends to occur when the child is in deep sleep. Any problem in the prostate gland in males can cause an increase in pressure on the bladder resulting in bed wetting. Sleep Apnea, in which there is cessation of breathing while sleeping, also tends cause nocturnal enuresis.

Risk factors of bed wetting
There are several risk factors involved in bed wetting. These include the genetics of the patient, which decrease the control of the children on urine control. Genetic factors can also cause diseases that cause bed wetting like Down’s syndrome. If a child’s parents have had problem with bed wetting, there is a higher chance that the child will have it too. Children who have increased pressure in abdomen due to retaining of fecal matter like constipation and encopresis also act as a being at risk. Stress caused by depression, social phobias and anxiety can also act as major contributor to risk factors. Another risk factor is when the body has increased production or urine at night time. A child who has mental status which has been altered and is immobile can also have higher chances of developing bed wetting. 

Complications of bed wetting
There are no major complications of bed wetting. Most are related to psychological and social effects of bed wetting on the child, as the child get anxious and feel guilty. In order to avoid psychosocial problems from developing bed wetting problem should be treated quickly with a good technique. However physical complications can also develop if any physical condition which is causing bed wetting is not considered and treated. 

Diagnosis of bed wetting
In order to diagnose bed wetting, the child specialist known as a pediatrician will require a detailed history of the child’s problem. The parents can make urinary diary of the child, in which they have to input the wet and dry days of the child. The diary should include the number of times the child has passed urine in a day and the amount of liquid the child drank in the day. It also includes the food habits of the child. Certain investigation can also be ordered by the child’s doctor. These include noninvasive tests. An X-ray of the abdomen will view the kidneys and the bladder. An Ultra sonogram of kidney, ureters and bladders is ordered. Also, in order to rule out any infection in urinary system, a routine urine test is done. These investigations help the doctor in determining what causes the problem. 

Treatment of bed wetting 
Homeopathic Treatment of Bed wetting
Homeopathic is highly effective in controlling the bed wetting problem in children. Homeopathic is a safe medicine to be used in children. In order to solve the bed wetting problem, homeopathy treats the child on psychological and on physical level. There are a few remedies that are used which include Causticum, Kreosote, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Sulphur.

Acupuncture and acupressure treatment of bed wetting
Acupressure is a non-invasive treatment; it is painless and is cheap. It helps in reducing the bed wetting episodes. A single small, low-quality study was done, which reported that children whose parents gave their children "micro massage" on acupressure sites saw that the incidence of bed wetting has decreased in them. Another small scale study compared the acupressure with the drug used known as oxybutynin. The research showed that the acupressure was more effective than oxybutynin treatment. 

Psychotherapy treatment of Bed wetting
For a child in whom bed wetting is caused by emotional stress, psychotherapy and counseling appears to be helpful. The therapy consists of the child talking with a trained professional who counsels and helps the child in figuring out the causes of stress and how to deal with them, which are causing the incidental nocturnal enuresis. This therapy involves the parents also. 

Conventional/Allopathic treatment of Bed wetting
Allopathic treatment is only given to the child if the child is above the age of 6. However the first thing to do is behavioral therapy. This therapy helps in child realizing his/her bladder is full. By waking the child up at night so the child can urinate. This therapy also includes asking the child to wash their own sheets and change them. If behavioral therapy does not work, a drug called imipramine is prescribed. After this, the improvement tends to occur within the first week of therapy.

Surgical treatment of Bed wetting
Any physical defect in the body which causes the bed wetting can be removed through a surgery. If the bed wetting is caused by large size of adenoid glands causing sleeping apnea,  the adenoids can be removed by surgery. If a defect is present in the urinary system, it can be excised. If bed wetting is occurring due to spinal tumor, the tumor can be removed . If there is a defect in the urinary system it can be corrected. 

Dietary and herbal treatment of bed wetting
This includes adding certain foods to the child’s diet and avoiding certain foods. The parents should make sure the child eats food like fresh, leafy vegetables. Also, brown rice and foods that have high amount of compounds like silica, magnesium and calcium. The child should be given a diet which is rich in fiber. The child should avoid fruit juices like apple, orange, grape and pineapple juice, as well as prepackaged and processed food. The parents should make sure the child avoids sweets. The child should be give controlled amount of meat and food with additives which are artificial. 

Other treatment of Bed wetting
This treatment includes massaging the lower stomach of the child before every meal with warm sesame oil. After that make the child drink one warm cup of water with one spoon honey.

Precaution and Prevention of bed wetting
The child going through bed wetting needs psychological and emotional support in order to help him/her to control their problem. There are several steps that need to be taken by the parents that can help in decreasing the episodes of bed wetting. The child should be encouraged to sleep in the normal times like their evening nap and night sleep.  The child should be shown to the bathroom after every meal and regularly. Before the child goes to bed, the parents should make sure the child goes to the bathroom and passes urine before sleeping.  In order to provide emotional support, reward the child when they have a dry night. Also make sure the child can easily access the bathroom if he/she wants to. Also, in order to decrease production of urine, do not give your child coffee, chocolate, tea or soda and any drink that increases urine production after evening.


Patient's Feedback

For Safe Natural Holistic Treatment, contact or visit:

Ethos Healthcare
Email :
Phone: +91-11-26164016, 46026700
Mobile / Whatsapp: +91-9810155920



Bed bugs

What are bed bugs?
Bed bugs are small, brown, oval-shaped insects. These insects are considered as parasites. They do not have wings but they can crawl really quickly on the furniture, on the wall or on any surface. The most common bed bug is known as Cimex lectularius. These insects live in the foam of bedding or any furniture foam. They get the food or nutrition from the blood of humans. The acquire blood by biting the human on any exposed skin or surface of human and sucking the blood out. Bed bugs can be found in cold and warm temperatures. They are nocturnal insects; hence they are more active at night time.

What are the symptoms of Bedbugs?
If a bed bug bites a person and feeds on it, the person feels these signs and symptoms—feeling a bump where the insect has bitten, the bump reddening, bumps appearing in multiples, swelling in the skin area where the insect has bitten the person, and feeling an itch. These are mostly noticed by the patient when they wake up. These bumps do not have an exact pattern. They are dependent on the feeding pattern of the insect. They can be present in a haphazard line pattern or several bumps can be present in one area, appearing as a cluster. These red, itchy bumps or bite sites are mostly present on the face, on the neck area, on the arms and the hands. This is because these areas are usually exposed and are not covered by clothes. 

What are the causes of Bedbugs?
There are few causes which are responsible for the occurrence of bed bugs. These usually have to do with issues that provide optimum conditions for an insect to live in and multiple. Mostly people traveling to different countries can get bedbugs, as one life in new places or hotels where the hygiene of the living area could be compromised without the person knowing. Another major cause is that the practices that are done to control the pest have changed. Different pesticides are used, which may be effective on a few pests, but could be causing the other species to increase as the insect responsible for feeding on a particular insect may be reduced. Also, there has been an increase in the resistance towards insecticides by the insects. The insects are not affected by the insecticides as they have evolved and require a newer generation of pesticides. This causes ineffectiveness of pesticides and allows bed bugs to spread and multiply. 

What are the risk factors of Bedbugs?
Certain factors can increase your chances of getting bedbugs. Bedbugs tend to reproduce in dark crevices. They are common in places where there are different people using the same housing. Any place which has a crowded lodging can act as a risk factor. Apartment complexes tend to get frequent changing in tenants, hence increasing the chances of developing a bedbug. Refugee camps are more likely to act as a risk factor, as there is overcrowding present and the hygienic conditions are usually bad and many people are using the same lodging. Hotels in a similar way get a wide variety of people and have people frequently staying in the same rooms with a quick interchange, and the changing of bedding of furniture and keeping the area clean is less frequently done to keep the hotel functioning all the time. Hence, your hotel room acts as a breeding ground. Dormitories also have similar conditions like apartment complexes and hotels. These are not the only risk factors. There has been an increase in the occurrence of discovery of bed bugs in cinemas as the dark, crowded setting provides the perfect niche for the bedbugs. 

Diagnosis of Bedbugs
The diagnosis involves the inspection of the living arrangement of the person affected for the presence of insects. There are two signs that are required to be positive for diagnosis of bedbugs. There is the presence of small dark spots or specks on the mattress, and small blood smears can also be seen on the sheets. 

Treatment of Bedbugs
There are multiple approaches to treating bedbugs. These include homeopathic treatment of bedbugs, treatment of bedbugs through conventional or allopathic means, natural treatments, and others. 

Homeopathic Treatment of Bedbugs
Homeopathy reduces and cures the symptoms that are caused by bites like itching and also cures the problem. Homeopathic treatment provides generalized and customized treatment. It not only treats the bedbug condition but also affects the rest of the body of the patient. It improves the capability of the body to fight any disease by strengthening the immune system. It also improves the functions of the body. It acts by curing the main cause of the disease or disorder naturally. There are some remedies present in homeopathy to treat bedbug conditions, which include natural compounds like Mezereum, Ol An, Agar, Psor and Carb S.

Conventional/ Allopathic treatment of Bedbugs
The allopathic treatment is prescribed by a general physician. It includes the application of a cream containing a steroid known as hydrocortisone. The cream needs to be applied to the effected skin. Along with this, another medication is usually given to be taken orally. This includes oral antihistamines like diphenhydramine.

Other treatment of Bedbugs
Some natural ways can be used to eliminate the presence of bedbugs. One of them is spreading mint leaves in areas where bedbugs could be present. Another way is to spread lavender oil. These two ways will cause elimination of bedbugs in that area. Tea tree oils and bed bug sprays can also be helpful in this regard. 

Precaution and prevention of bedbugs
In order to avoid getting bitten by the bed bugs and prevent bedbugs from living in your living space, a few precautions need to be taken. These include decreasing the extent of exposed skin when you’re vulnerable, by covering skin while sleeping as much as you can. Before buying and bringing any furniture into the house, look for any signs of bed bugs on them thoroughly. Also, cover the mattress you sleep on with plastic to prevent infestation of the mattress with the bedbug. In order to avoid getting bitten by bed bugs while traveling, always examine the room for bedbugs before using them. Sterilize your bed linen by hot washing and hot drying them.


Patient's Feedback

For Safe Natural Holistic Treatment, contact or visit:

Ethos Healthcare
Email :
Phone: +91-11-26164016, 46026700
Mobile / Whatsapp: +91-9810155920



Bed sores

What are Bed sores?
Bed sores are known by different names such as pressure sores, decubitus ulcers and pressure ulcers. An ulcer is a break or a sore on any surface of the body that can be present in the inner or outer surface. Bed sores are ulcers present on the skin of a person. 

What are the symptoms of Bed sores?
There are seven most common symptoms observed or felt by the patient with bed sores. One of them is the change in color of the skin. The skin gets discolored. The skin or area which is involved in formation of a bed sore goes through a tear formation. These tears are common on skin that are next to bony prominences. Presence of bone increases the pressure built up. The skin gets infected and contains the signs of bed sores which can be detected by the doctor. The skin starts go give off bad smell, the skin gets moist. Also due to infection the area gets inflamed causing formation of swelling and in some patients pus accumulates in the area. 

What are the causes of Bed sores?
There are several reasons why bed sores form in a patient. They can be caused due to continuous friction produced between the surface of the body and the external surface to which it comes in contact with. Bed sores are caused by any factor that increases the pressure in the area and is sustained for a long time. When there is increase friction in skin and the components of body under the skin or friction between the skin and external surface tends to form a bed sore. When different forces are applied at different angles on the body they cause lesion formation and cause bed sores.

They can also form due to humidity surrounding the skin.  Higher temperature compared to normal body temperature can also cause formation of bed sores. They can also form due to voluntary restraining the fecal matter or urine, resulting in an increase in the pressure build-up in the urinary system and intestinal system. Some of the medication given to the patient can also be the cause of it. Shearing forces affecting the body can also cause a bed sore. Shearing forces are any forces that are not aligned. Age of the patient and unrelieved pressure built in the body can also cause bed sores. Bed sores tend to form in patients who are sick and are bed prone for a long time, hence increasing all these pressure increasing factors.

What are risk factors for development of Bed sores?
There are several factors that can increase the chances of a patient developing a bed sore. While some patients are sick they tend to go through weight loss hence the bones start coming in contact of the skin and produce pressure built up. If a person is bed prone for a longer duration of time due to any sickness of injury which makes them immobile increase their chances of developing bed sores compared to other patient. Poor health also acts as a risk factor. Patients who are comatose are immobile and cannot move, so they tend to remain in same position unless someone changes their position hence the pressure builds up and is sustained. Abnormal moisture of the skin whether it's excess moisture or dryness of the skin. It will cause a bed sore.                

A person who has bad diet and not eating a balanced and healthy diet will be prone to developing a bed sore. Person who is not hydrated properly and drinks less water compared the body requirement result in dehydration. Which causes dryness of the skin and tissue acting as a risk factor? Just like comatose patients some patients with nerve injuries or problems cannot feel properly. Hence they do not feel pressure build up or discomfort due to lesion or tear formation on the skin. This is common in diabetic patients. Geriatric or elderly people are more prone to developing a bed sore, as they are more likely to be less mobile, restricted to bed and with decrease sensory perception. Also, they tend to have poor health. 

Complications of Bed sores
There are few but serious complications associated with the bed sores. Bed sores can develop into skin or mucosal cancers. If the skin gets infected by bacteria or virus it can develop into cellulitis. Which requires intensive treatment? Infection also spread through the blood into the entire body causing the bacteria to increase and form difficulty in fighting it off. It is known as sepsis. The bones or joints surrounding the skin involved in bed sores can get infected. This is known as osteomyelitis. This complication can have permanent infect on bones and joints if not dealt on time. 

Diagnosis of Bed sores
The doctor diagnosis a bed sore through examination and tests, The diagnosis involves complete physical examination of the ulcer. The size, depth, border, site, dimension, presence of infection, fluid or whether its healing on itself and if there is bleeding present is checked in detail. Few tests may be ordered by the doctor if considered important. These tests involve some blood test. These blood tests are used to assess the nutrition status of the person and whether the person is healthy or not. The ulcers that are not healing with treatment that requires tissue cultures, sample form the ulcer is taken and cultured in a lab to check the presence of specific bacteria or fungus that is causing infection of the ulcer and delaying its healing. An ulcer which is at fourth stage, which means that is large in size and cannot heal on its own and requires approximation done by a doctor, also require tissue culture test. If through history of the patient it is determined that the ulcer is present for a long time and is not healing, it is suspected for cancer. Hence a tissue biopsy is done. It is sample of ulcer is taken and observed under a microscope for any cancerous cells. 

Treatment of Bed Sores
There are multiple approaches to treating bed sores. These include homeopathic treatment, acupuncture and acupressure, treatment through conventional or allopathic means, surgical procedures, dietary and herbal treatments, and others. 

Homeopathic Treatment of Bed Sores
Homoeopathic remedies have been of much use in both preventive cares as also curative effects for ulcers, wounds on the skin and bedsores. It helps to cure dry skin with ulcers that discharge sticky fluid. Some of the homeopathic remedies for bed sores are Acidum Hydrofluoric, Apis Mellifica and Graphite’s. 

Acupuncture and Acupressure Treatment of Bed Sores
Acupuncture can be used to improve blood and energy flow to the affected area-including the shoulder blades, buttocks, and hips which may help bedsores heal faster. 

Conventional or Allopathic Treatment of Bed Sores
Allopathic treatment involves relieving pressure on the area and keeping the skin clean and dry. When the skin is broken, a non-stick covering may be used. A saline solution is often used to clean the wound site whenever a fresh bandage is applied. Disinfectants are applied if the site is infected. The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics, special dressings or drying agents, and ointments to be applied to the wound.

Surgical Treatment of Bed Sores
Surgical debridement involves cutting away dead tissues. Most of the time surgical debridement is only considered in cases involving advanced stage bed sores. In this surgery, surgeon uses a scalpel to remove the dead tissue, bone and fluid from the area around the bed sore.

Dietary and Herbal Treatment of Bed Sores
A diet should include protein, vitamins and minerals in your diet. Aloe vera, applied topically in ointment, gel, or cream form, is effective in healing sores.

What are the precautions and prevention of Bed sores?
Smoking tends to affect the health of the patient and is known to cause slow healing. Cessation and giving up the habit of smoking can prevent formation of bed sore. A person should remain active as it improves the blood circulation in the body. Frequent drinking of water which is adequate for daily requirement keeps the skin hydrated also acts as prevention. Skin should be kept clean and dry to avoid the conditions which help in over growth of bacteria and causing skin infection. It keeps the humidity and moisture of the skin in normal range and acts as a precaution. A patient, who is restricted to the bed or is immobile, Should be kept in comfortable position with frequent changing of the posture and position of the body. Patient should be provided with soft cushions to increase comfort. These will decrease the risk factors associated with immobility and act as a precaution.


Patient's Feedback

For Safe Natural Holistic Treatment, contact or visit:

Ethos Healthcare
Email :
Phone: +91-11-26164016, 46026700
Mobile / Whatsapp: +91-9810155920

