
Monday, May 27, 2019

Bacterial Vaginosis

What is Bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis is an infection occurring in the female vagina, in the female reproductive tract. In a normal female, the discharge produced by the vagina is white in color and it tends to turn yellow when it comes in contact with the air. Also, the normal discharge does not give off bad odor. Bacterial vaginosis is caused by overgrowth of normally occurring bacteria of the vagina, due to which the vagina starts secreting excess discharge. In a normal vagina, more than 95% of population is of bacteria known as lactobacilli. In a normal range this bacterium maintains the acidic environment of the vagina.  However, in Bacterial vaginosis the normal occurring anaerobic bacteria increases in concentration by a thousand times. This results in the lactobacilli decreasing in number. The pH of the vagina tends to rise between 4.5 - 7.0, hence the protection provided by the lactobacilli is reduced.  Bacterial vaginosis is the most common cause of abnormal vaginal discharge in women of child-bearing age. 

Symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis
There are several symptoms that are observed by a female suffering from Bacterial vaginosis. This includes changes in the texture and color of the vaginal discharge. The vaginal discharge turns from white to grey and becomes thin. The abnormal discharge gives off a bad smell. The smell is mostly noticeable during menstruation or during intercourse. The discharge is homogenous and mostly adherent to the wall of the vagina. Moreover, the patient feels irritation and itching in the area where the discharge comes in contact with the skin. Females also complain about dyspareunia which refers to pain felt during intercourse/sex. There is presence of light vaginal bleeding. Urinary systems are also associated with bacterial vaginosis, which include dysuria. Dysuria is the burning sensation felt while passing urine. This burning sensation is felt when the urinary area is also infected. 

Causes of Bacterial vaginosis
The bacteria responsible for Bacterial vaginosis are Gardnerella vaginalis, Bacteroides spp, and Mycoplasma hominis. However, the exact cause of why these bacteria start proliferating and what triggers them is still unknown.  

Risk factors of Bacterial vaginosis
There are multiple risk factors that make the female more prone to getting Bacterial vaginosis. Females who have multiple sex partners or have a new sex partner have a higher chance of getting the infection. Females who are using an intrauterine device for contraception or birth control also have a higher chance of getting infected. Females from certain ethnicity are also at higher risk, which includes black women and women who are non-Hispanic. Some females who naturally have less lactobacilli bacteria in their vagina also are at higher risk. Females who over-clean their vagina by rinsing it too much and using cleansing agents or scented agents in the pelvic region or while taking a bath in tubs are also more prone to getting infected. Bacterial vaginosis is also highly prevalent in women who are undergoing elective termination of pregnancy. 

Complications of Bacterial vaginosis
If left untreated or allowed to worsen, this condition can become worse and develop certain complications. There are a few complications that are associated with pregnancy. If the patient is infected during the pregnancy, bacterial vaginosis can result in premature deliveries in pregnant women and can also cause low birth weight babies. Bacterial vaginosis can also complicate into sexually transmitted diseases (STD). STDs include gonorrhea and chlamydia.  Also, if a patient goes through any gynecological surgery, she will be at higher risk of getting infected and develop a post-operation complication. 

Lab Investigations and Diagnosis of Bacterial vaginosis
In order to diagnose Bacterial vaginosis, the doctor needs to ask a few questions relative to your medical history. Also, they might conduct a pelvic exam along with taking a sample of the vaginal secretions. The diagnosis is usually clinically made by Amsel criteria. This Amsel criteria states that the pH of the vagina should be more than 4.5.  Also, when alkali is added to the discharge it gives off a fishy smell. The alkali used is 10% potassium hydroxide. The discharge should be grey and thin. Also, the sample that is taken for observation under the microscope should include "clue cells". It can also be diagnosed by Gram staining. 

Treatment of Bacterial vaginosis
There are multiple approaches to treating Bacterial vaginosis. These include homeopathic treatment of Bacterial vaginosis, treatment through conventional or allopathic means, dietary and herbal treatments, and others. 

Homeopathic treatment of Bacterial vaginosis
The homeopathy treatment not only focuses on the abnormality or the diseases that is present, but also makes the entire body healthy. It works by improving the availability of energy in the body, it improves the capability of the body to fight against the disease, also known as the immune system of the body. It makes the immune system stronger to cure the person faster. It also improves the normal physiology or functioning of the body. It removes the main cause of the infection naturally.  It relieves the pan and itching associated with the infection. The remedies for Bacterial vaginosis include Calcarea carbonica, Sepia, Borax, and Arsenicum album.

Conventional or Allopathic treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis
In allopathic treatment of the Bacterial vaginosis, creams and oral tablets can be given. The doctor will prescribe certain medications, for example Metronidazole, Tinidazole and Clindamycin. Metronidazole and Tinidazole are to be taken orally and Clindamycin is available in cream form for the vagina.  

Dietary and Herbal treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis
In order to treat Bacterial vaginosis, a few foods and drinks need to be avoided. These include any drink that has caffeine and alcohol. The patient needs to avoid food that has been fermented or has been processed. The female should also avoid food containing high amount of carbohydrates. However, the patient is recommended to eat whole grain foods. 

Other treatment of Bacterial vaginosis
There are also natural remedies for this condition. These include application of tea tree oil. The tea tree oil kills the bacteria responsible for Bacterial vaginosis and returns the bacteria to their normal state. The tea tree oil can be applied by adding few drops of oil in the bath or it can also be used in a pessary form. A pessary is a tablet containing oil that be manually placed in the vagina. 

Precautions and Prevention of Bacterial vaginosis
In order to avoid getting bacterial vaginosis, the person should keep limited sexual partners. Vaginal hygiene is very important. Rinse the soap from the outer genital region and dry the area after taking a shower. Also, avoid harsh treatments such as douching the vagina.


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