
Thursday, May 16, 2019

Aplastic Anemia

What is Aplastic Anemia
Aplastic anemia is a state which occurs when the body stops the production of enough new blood cells. A feeling of fatigue is what Aplastic Anemia gives and the patient remains at a higher risk of uncontrolled bleeding and infections.

Aplastic anemia is a serious and rare condition, andcan develop at any age in a person. It can suddenly occur or may develop slowly and get worse with time. Aplastic anemia can be treated with medications, stem cell transplantation or blood transfusion. The stem cell transplant is also known as bone marrow transplant.

Symptoms of Aplastic Anemia

There are various symptoms with which an aplastic anemia can be identified. Some of the symptoms occur immediately and some of them slowly progress over weeks or months. Regarding illness, there are two conditions – it may be brief or might be chronic. None of the conditions can be ruled out because aplastic anemia can be fatal or very severe.

Some of the common symptoms which aplastic anemia patients face are fatigue, breath shortness with exertion, irregular or rapid heart rate and pale skin.People with aplastic anemia go through prolonged or frequent infections and they get easy or unexplained bruising. They have bleeding gums and nosebleeds. If aplastic anemia patients get a cut, the bleeding lasts long. Some other symptoms include dizziness, skin rashes and headache.

Causes of Aplastic Anemia
The development of aplastic anemia starts when the bone marrow is damaged and the new blood cells slows or stop being produced. Bone marrow is a spongy, red colored material inside the bones which produce stem cells and give rise to other cells. The bone marrow’s stem cells produce white cells, red cells and blood platelets. In aplastic anemia, bone marrow is medically described as hypoplastic or aplastic which means that it is empty (aplastic) or contain very less blood cells (hypoplastic). 

Different factors which can permanently or temporarily injure bone marrow and affect production of blood cells include chemotherapy and radiation treatments. If someone is exposed to toxic chemicals, he/she may develop aplastic anemia. Another cause for aplastic anemia is autoimmune disorders. A viral infection and usage of certain drugs and their side effects might also cause aplastic anemia.

Risk factors of Aplastic Anemia
This disorder is rare but there are some factors which may increase the risks to aplastic anemia. There is an increased risk in case someone is undergoing chemotherapy for cancer or a treatment which involves high-dose radiation. The over exposure to toxic chemicals is a big risk factor and some of the prescription drugs like chloramphenicol for treating bacterial infections and gold compounds for treating rheumatoid arthritis also brings the risk of Aplastic Anemia. Then, there are certain serious infections, blood diseases, and autoimmune disorders which holds the risk. There are also some rare chances of developing aplastic anemia during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of Aplastic Anemia
To diagnose aplastic anemia, laboratory tests are required. Your doctor might ask you to undergo blood tests like WBC Counts, RBC Counts and Platelet Counts. If all the three blood cell levels come very low, then your doctor might suspect aplastic anemia because these levels should remain within a specific range.

Another test your doctor will ask you to undergo is the biopsy of bone marrow. If you are affected with aplastic anemia, your bone marrow will contain less blood cells than normal. After getting aplastic anemia being diagnosed, your doctor may ask you to take some other tests so that an underlying cause can be identified.

Treatment of Aplastic Anemia 
Homeopathic Treatment of Aplastic Anemia
The bone marrow’s functioning is improved by homeopathy. In homeopathy, a person is treated as a whole and a homeopathic treatment is a constitutional treatment. This means that the focus of homeopathic treatment remains on the person as well as his/her pathological condition. The energy system is balanced, immunity is improved and bodily functions are enhanced with homeopathic treatment. The disorder’s root cause is naturally cured. Some of the common homeopathic medicines used during the treatment of aplastic anemia are Ars S F, Ferr A, Calc P, Cortic and Germ M.

Allopathic/ Conventional Treatment of Aplastic Anemia
The allopathic/ conventional treatment of aplastic anemia weakens the immune system. During Aplastic anemia, very less white blood cells circulate in the body to fight germs. This leaves the body vulnerable to infections.

As the infection’s first sign occur which is mostly fever, consult your doctor. Nobody wants that the infection should get worse, because it can be fatal. In case of aplastic anemia’s allopathic treatment, your doctor may prescribe some antiviral or antibiotic medications to get rid of infections.

Further, allopathic treatment involves blood transfusions because it helps to control the bleeding and reduce anemia symptoms. Another method of allopathic treatment can be the use of corticosteroids. The use of immune suppressing medicines and bone marrow stimulants also proves helpful to treat aplastic anemia. Finally, there are some chemotherapy and radiation treatments which fall under successful allopathic/ conventional treatment of aplastic anemia.

Surgical Treatment of Aplastic Anemia
The people who have severe aplastic anemia require surgical treatment. In surgical treatment, a stem cell transplant will be suggested by your doctor. Astem cell transplant is where a bone marrow is rebuilt with a donor’s stem cell.

Dietary and Herbal Treatment of Aplastic Anemia
The dietary treatment of aplastic anemia can be combined with other form of treatment. In case, someone is suffering from aplastic anemia, he/she should eat unsaturated fats only. Another dietary change can be fiber-rich diet.

Other Treatments of Aplastic Anemia
If aplastic anemia is caused because of chemotherapy or radiation treatments of cancer, it improves once such treatments are completed. It is equally true in case of many other drugs which cause aplastic anemia. The women who are pregnant and are diagnosed with aplastic anemia, then blood transfusion is used to cure such patients. In most cases where women have aplastic anemia because of pregnancy, improvement is seen after the end of pregnancy. If improvement doesn’t happen, treatment should continue.


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