
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Autoimmune Hepatitis

What is Autoimmune Hepatitis?
Inflammation of the liver is known as hepatitis. Autoimmune is referred to a disease that is caused by our own protective mechanism attacking or fighting against parts of the body, thus having an internal immunity struggle. Autoimmune hepatitis is not a common disease. It is a chronic disorder. In autoimmune hepatitis, the cells of the liver get inflamed. This is known as hepatocellular inflammation. The cells then go through necrosis. Necrosis is when the cells start dying after getting injured. The injury could be due to an inflammation or other trauma. Necrosis can lead to cirrhosis, which occurs when normal tissue is replaced by fibrous tissue.

Symptoms of Autoimmune Hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis can show its symptoms at any phase of the disease. It can present itself in acute phase, chronic phase or when the liver is going through failure. There are several symptoms that can appear in Autoimmune Hepatitis. These symptoms include fatigue, or the person can develop fever, and pain can be experienced in the abdomen, muscles and joints. Itching is also a complaint associated with hepatitis. Along with itching, the patient can develop skin rashes.  The patient’s skin and eyes can turn yellow. This is known as jaundice. 

The liver can go through hypertrophy, which means it is increasing in size. The blood vessels of the abdomen become visible on the skin. Patients can become amenhorric, which means the absence of menstruation bleeding. Patients can experience nausea and vomiting. The appetite of the patient decreases, which means they do not feel the need of having food to suppress hunger. The color of the urine can change from pale yellow or yellow to dark color. 

Causes of Autoimmune Hepatitis
The exact cause of autoimmune hepatitis is not known. But it is speculated that it occurs due to risk factors interacting with each other. These interactions could be between infections, due to inherited genetics or medications being taken by the patient. 

Risk factors of Autoimmune Hepatitis
There are several risk factors associated with the occurrence of auto immune hepatitis. These risk factors include (female) gender. Females are more prone to developing autoimmune hepatitis as compared to men. A person can inherit genetics from their parents which can make them prone to developing hepatitis. The past history of the patient with certain infections can act as a risk factor. A few drugs used to treat diseases act as hepatotoxic. They can put the person at higher risk of developing autoimmune hepatitis. People who have other autoimmune diseases are also at risk of developing autoimmune hepatitis. 

Complications of Autoimmune Hepatitis
Autoimmune hepatitis causes several complications. These complications include hemolytic anemia. This anemia develops because the blood cells start braking at higher rate than they are made. Patients can also develop pernicious anemia. Pernicious anemia occurs due to inability of the body to absorb the nutrients responsible for the formation of the blood cells. Hence, the patient acquires a deficiency in the blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity. One can also develop ulcerative colitis. In ulcerative colitis, ulcers form in the colon of the digestive system. Patients can also develop rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune thyroiditis. 

If the auto immune hepatitis progresses, it can cause liver failure. Liver cancer also has a chance of developing. Patients can also develop esophageal varices, due to which the patients start losing blood into the esophagus. Due to an increase in pressure in the portal vein of the liver, the blood pressure of the entire body can get raised. 

Lab Investigations and Diagnosis of Autoimmune hepatitis
In order to diagnose autoimmune hepatitis your doctor will order a few blood tests and perform a liver biopsy. In a liver biopsy, a sample of liver tissue is taken and observed under a microscope by the pathologist. 

Treatment of Autoimmune hepatitis
Treatments includes homeopathic treatment of autoimmune hepatitis, treatment through acupuncture and acupressure, psychotherapy, using conventional or allopathic treatments, dietary and herbal treatment of hepatitis and other treatments. 

Homeopathic treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis
Homeopathic treatment is done using compounds found in the nature. Homeopathy not only treats the pathology but also improves the health of the entire body. It has a generalized and holistic effect.  It acts by balancing the immune system of the body which is attacking the liver cells. The Immune system is the defensive system of the body, which allows the liver cells to heal. Homeopathy not only improves the immune system but also the energy system of the body by balancing it. It cures the disorder from its root causes. Some of the common remedies and homeopathic medication used for auto immune hepatitis are Crot H, Pjos, Sulph, Carc and Tub. 

Conventional or Allopathic treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis
The conventional or allopathic treatment is provided by your doctor.  Auto immune hepatitis is dealt with by a gastroentologist.  Your doctor will prescribe you high dosage steroids. This high dose corticosteroid is known as prednisone. In order to contain the activity of immune system, immunosuppressive drugs are given.  These drugs include azathioprine, mycophenolate, cyclosporine and tacrolimus. 

Surgical treatment of Autoimmune Hepatitis
The only surgical treatment available for auto immune hepatitis is a transplant. Liver is the only organ than can grow again, hence the donor donates a part of their liver.  The defected liver of the patient is removed and the donor liver is transplanted. The patient, after few months, will have a normal sized liver if the immune system is controlled. 

Dietary and herbal treatment of Autoimmune hepatitis
Certain diets and habits are harmful and further damage the liver.  You should eat food that has low amount of saturated fat. You should consume less fried foods and animal-sourced foods. You should avoid foods that contain sugar. Avoid eating processed foods and refined foods as they contain chemicals that can further have a detrimental effect on an already damaged liver. Patients should avoid and not consume alcohol, as alcohol has a toxic effect on the liver as it metabolizes in the liver, putting more pressure on a minimally working damaged liver. You should eat fresh vegetable and raw fruits. Make sure to consult your doctor to get a proper diagnosis and best treatment option for you. 

Precautions and Prevention of Autoimmune hepatitis
There are no preventions known yet. However, as risk factors are known your doctor will get you screened for auto immune hepatitis if any of the risk factors are present and if they find it necessary. By testing and detecting the disease at early stage, it can be treated efficiently. 


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