
Saturday, May 18, 2019

Asthma and COPD

What is Asthma COPD?
Asthma is the occurrence of difficulty in breathing and coughing caused by narrowing down of a person’s airways and production of extra mucus. This blocks oxygen entering into the lungs which causes wheezing and shortness of breath as well. It is a disease that can be controlled over time but it cannot be cured. So, depending on how well it is taken care of, asthma can range from being a minor problem to a life threatening asthma attack.

Symptoms of Asthma COPD
Some people might experience the symptoms of Asthma at all times whereas other will experience them while doing certain activities, like exercising. The symptoms and signs will include feeling of tightness in the chest, shortness of breath, coughing and wheeling or whistling sound while breathing which is a common sign among children and all these issues resulting in trouble sleeping. Coughing and wheezing attacks also become worse when attacked by respiratory virus such as cold or the flu.
However, as the disease becomes more chronic, these signs become more frequent. The difficulty with breathing increases. This can be measured by a device called the peak flow meter which checks how well your lungs are working. Along with this, the patient will need to use quick-relief inhalers more often.

Causes of Asthma COPD
It not clear what exactly causes asthma COPD. Although a combination of different environmental factors are common among people who suffer from this, it has been see that some people who are in the same kind of environment do not suffer from asthma. This goes to show that genetics play a role as well. Asthma triggers can be anything from external factors such as pollen, dust mites, particles of cockroach waste and other animal proteins to stress, physical activity such as exercising and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Besides these, common causes of asthma are air pollutants such as smoke, cold air, preservatives found in processed food and allergy to certain medications including aspirin and Advil.

Diagnosis of Asthma COPD
To rule out life threating cases that can result from Asthma, the doctor will run physical exams and talk to the patient about signs and any other health problems. Pulmonary function tests are run to determine how much air moves in and out as the patient breathes. Two commonly run tests are Spirometry and Peak flow. Spirometry, based on the speed and amount of air a person can exhale, determines the narrowing of the bronchial tubes. Peak flow, on the other hand is a device that just measure how hard the patient can breathe out. Lower than usual peak flow readings are a sign your lungs may not be working as well and that your asthma may be getting worse.

Additional tests include Methacholine challenge where a person inhales Methacholine and based on the their reaction, diagnosis is made, nitric oxide test is another that measures the amount of nitric oxide in their breath, allergy testing, provocative testing for exercise and cold-induces asthma.

Risk factors of Asthma COPD
As mentioned earlier, various elements contribute to the risk of Asthma COPD. They include genetics, infections, air pollution and allergies. A combination of different of these factors are common among people who suffer from this.

Complications of Asthma COPD
A lot of issues can arise from asthma COPD and can make an individual’s life tiresome. Some of them include fatigue, underperformance at work, stress, anxiety, depressions and respiratory complications resulting in pneumonia, collapse of lungs and severe asthma attacks.

Precautions and prevention of Asthma COPD
Minor but essential steps can be taken to avoid Asthma COPD. Knowing the symptoms and monitoring their breathing from then on. Since different combination of factors cause asthma, it is important to know what triggers it for an individual and avoiding it. Taking medications as instructed, visiting doctors regularly and controlling triggers are important steps to control asthma as well.

Treatment of Asthma COPD

Homeopathic Treatment of Asthma COPD
Homeopathic medicines have two main purposes; one is the relief of acute episodes of asthma and to cure the underlying disease so these episodes do not occur. Different types of medicines are given to patients based on what has caused them the illness and their particular symptoms. For instance, Squilla treats bronchial asthma, antimonium tartaricum is to treat spasmodic coughing and difficulty breathing, lachesis treats asthma that gets intense during sleep which is a nervous cough- the result of pressure to the lungs and neck, kalium bich relieves hyper production of mucus, kalium bich treats asthma caused by emotional disturbances, phosphorus treats asthma caused by atmospheric temperatures and caladium treats smoker’s asthma.

Acupuncture and Acupressure treatment of asthma COPD
Acupuncture treats Astham COPD treats different types of Asthmas in different ways. When asthma is caused by cold, the treatment focuses on points that sedate the lung and eliminate the phlegm. After sedating, the points are left in place for 30 minutes. When asthma is caused by heat, the treatment focuses on dispersing the lung, clearing heat, dissolving phlegm and lowers adverse rising Qi. When asthma is caused by deficiencies, the treatment focuses on tonifying the underlying deficiency, dissolve phlegm and relieve asthma.

Psychotherapy and Hypnotherapy treatment of Asthma COPD
Since different factors cause asthma COPD, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy helps patients uncover the root cause of their illness by exploring relationships, experiences and other parts of their day to day environment. Psychological blocks that obstruct them from responding to other type of treatments also are relieved by psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.

Conventional / Allopathic treatment of Asthma COPD
Allopathic treatment of Asthma consists of quick relief medicine and long term medicine. Quick relief medicine are prescribed at the first signs of symptoms and their purpose is to expand the passageways into the lungs allowing more air in and out and improving breathing. They include short-acting inhaled beta2-agonists and anticholinergics. Exercise induced asthma can be relieved by taking medicine before exercise or strenuous activity. Long term medicines will include leukotriene modifiers, cromolyn sodium, inhaled corticosteroids and immunomodulators. These medicine are taken every day, even if the patient does not have symptoms.

Surgical treatment of Asthma COPD
Surgical treatment is done to patients with chronic bronchial asthma by unilateral resection of the internal branch of the superior larynx nerve. It is an adequate and lasting remedial response. All patients who go through this surgery have had their medications reduced progressively. It is a minimal invasive method that helps patients avoid severe crisis. It is especially helpful to patients with uncontrolled bronchial asthma.

Dietary and Herbal treatment of Asthma COPD
Like most diseases, fresh, green vegetables are very essential in helping staying healthy and avoiding symptoms of asthma COPD. It is also essential to milk and dairy products bread, cakes, white sugar and excess salt in foods. Eating healthy fats like fish, olive oil also accommodates the treatment. Besides this, it is also helpful to include vitamin C and B6 and manganese in a person’s diet.


Patient's Feedback

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