
Wednesday, May 15, 2019


What is Aphasia
A disorder which occurs from the damaged portions of brain responsible for language is called as Aphasia. It can be said that this condition will rob you from communication ability. Aphasia affects the person’s ability to write, speak, and understand the language, both written and verbal.
The occurrence of Aphasia is mostly after a head injury or a stroke. But Aphasia can also be the result of a slowly growing tumor of the brain or a disease which causes continuous and permanent damage to the brain. The disability degree determines the reason and intensity of brain damage.
After addressing the cause, the major Aphasia treatment is language and speech therapy. Aphasia affected person relearns and practice language skills, and learn another way to communicate. The affected person is usually helped by family members to regain the ability.

What are the symptoms of Aphasia
The root cause of Aphasia most of the time is something else, like a brain tumor or a stroke. A person with Aphasia might speak incomplete or short sentences. He/she usually speaks sentences which do not make sense. The people with Aphasia substitute one sound for another or one word for another. The words spoken by them can’t be recognized and they do not understand the conversation of other people. Similarly, the sentences written by them does not make any sense.

What are the causes of Aphasia
Although there are many causes of Aphasia but the most common cause is brain damage from stroke – the rupture or blockage of brain’s blood vessel. The lack of blood reaching the brain leads to the damage or death of brain cells in the language controlling area. 

The brain damage because of serious head injury, an infection, a degenerative process, or a tumor can also cause Aphasia. In such cases, Aphasia comes with other kinds of cognitive problems, like confusion or memory problems.

The language difficulty in a person which gradually develops is referred to as primary progressive disorder. This is because of the subtle degeneration of language network’s brain cells. Sometimes this form of Aphasia progresses towards a more matured dementia.

What are the risk factors of Aphasia
There are several risk factors of Aphasia and amongst those risk factors, the people who are at maximum risk are the people of middle-to-older age. People who have a family history of Aphasia always remains at the risk of Aphasia. If someone in the family, or if generations have suffered from Aphasia, then the chances can’t be ruled out that the child in that family will also develop Aphasia. If the person has a history of TIA (Transient Ischemic Attacks), there always remains a risk of Aphasia.

What are the complications of Aphasia
Aphasia is not an easy condition to deal with, a lot of complications are created by it. The complications are big because communication is an important part of life and Aphasia affects it only. The difficulty in communication further affects the job of a person. His/her relationship with others also gets affected and most importantly, daily functions affects.

What is the diagnosis of Aphasia
To get Aphasia diagnosed, the person should be thoroughly checked by an experienced doctor. The doctor will get the hint from physically examining the patient but to precisely identify the root cause and to prescribe appropriate treatment, he/she will ask for imagery tests like CT Scan and MRI Scan of the person’s brain.

Some other standardized tests to diagnose Aphasia are Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination, Western Aphasia Battery and Porch Index of Speech Ability. With these examinations, a patient’s ability to express ideas, understand language, speak, write and read are tested.

The Right Time to Consult a Doctor
As this disorder is mostly a sign of some major problem like a stroke, an immediate medical attention is required if the person finds difficulty in speaking. A visit to doctor is also necessary when someone finds it difficult to understand speech. When a person finds it difficult to recall words and have reading or writing problems, such situations means that the person needs immediate medical attention.

What is the treatment of Aphasia
In case of mild brain damage, the language skills of a person can be recovered without any treatment. However, most of the affected persons undergo language and speech therapy to regain their language skills and improve their communication experiences. Studies are still going on to identify whether medicines alone should be used or speech therapy along with medicines will prove beneficial in treating Aphasia. 

Homeopathic Treatment of Aphasia
The patients of Aphasia have shown improvement when treated with Homeopathic medicines. Both severe as well as minimally affected cases of Aphasia showed improvement. With homeopathic treatment people can gain ability to speak and their difficulty with words can also be solved. Some commonly used homeopathic medicines to treat Aphasia are Bar C, Nux M, Chen A, Glon, and Nit Ac.

Acupuncture and Acupressure Treatment of Aphasia
It is seen that some Aphasia patients treated with acupuncture showed immediate therapeutic effects. Acupuncture stimulate those meridians which are connected with tongue to degrade collaterals and the channels, and acupuncture also regulates blood and Qi. Through this treatment, the tongue is properly nourished and enhanced to do various movements. Acupuncture also expands blood vessels because of which micro-circulation improves. It further enhances cerebral blood. The psychological functions of brain are also improved.

Surgical Treatment of Aphasia
If the disorder in a person is caused because of mass in the brain, then the doctors will suggest surgery. The mass storage could be brain tumor or hematoma and this kind of mass usually puts pressure on the brain’s speech centers. In such cases, the symptoms automatically alleviate as soon as the mass is removed.

Dietary and Herbal Treatment of Aphasia
In dietary treatment, the person affected with Aphasia should consume more of fresh fruits and vegetables.  

What are the Precautions and Prevention of Aphasia
To prevent Aphasia, you should eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Do not get indulge in self abusive habits like smoking. If you smoke, then quit smoking. Focus on maintaining healthy weight. Always keep your cholesterol and blood pressure levels under control.


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