
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Autonomic Neuropathy

What is Autonomic neuropathy?
The body contains two nerve systems. One is called the autonomic system and the other is called the sympathetic system. Neuropathy refers to damage of the nerves. When the autonomic nerves are damaged, it is known as Autonomic neuropathy. The autonomic system is responsible for all the involuntary functions of the body. As the nerve system is damaged, the involuntary functions of the body are affected. These involuntary functions include the functioning of stomach and intestines. The urinary system is also affected. The functions of bladder become dysfunctional. The sexual functions also get deranged hence the penis is also affected. The heart also supplied by the autonomic system hence it is affected to. 

Symptoms of Autonomic neuropathy
There are several signs and symptoms experienced by a patient with Autonomic neuropathy. These include having a fainting spell or feeling dizzy while standing. This occurs due to disrupted blood flow as the autonomic system is responsible for this. You can also have problems with digestion. Patients can face sexual difficulties. The male patients can develop erectile dysfunction. In females, they can have lack vaginal secretion production during intercourse, making it painful.  Some patients go through sweating abnormalities. 

As the bladder is affected, one can experience urinary issues. Some patients experience intolerance while exercising. The pupil’s response to light is also delayed hence patients’ eyes have difficulty in adjusting when there is a change in light intensity.  The temperature of the body can also be damaged. If a person is experiencing any of these symptoms, they should seek medical care as soon as possible.  

Causes of Autonomic neuropathy
There are several causes that are responsible for Autonomic Neuropathy. These include abnormal increase in the collection of proteins in the organs. It can also be induced by other autoimmune diseases. People who have alcoholism develops autonomic neuropathy. If several systems of the body are going through atrophy, they can cause the neuropathy to get triggered. Diabetes is another major cause of this disease. 

If there is an injury to the nerves, it can result in autonomic neuropathy. Other diseases like HIV/AIDS and Parkinson's disease can result in autonomic neuropathy.  Syndromes like Guillian Barre syndrome can also be a cause.  Another nerve disease known as multiple sclerosis is also be a cause. Any injury to the spinal cord or injury during surgery can also cause autonomic neuropathy. 

Risk factors of Autonomic neuropathy
There are several factors that make the person more prone to developing autonomic neuropathy. These factors include other diseases like diabetes and HIV/AIDS. Alcoholism can increase the risk factors too. Cancer in any part of the body can also act as a risk factor. Systemic lupus erythematosus, known as SLE, is another major risk factor. Parkinson's disease not only causes autonomic neuropathy but also acts as a risk factor. 

Lab Investigations and diagnosis of Autonomic neuropathy
Certain tests will be ordered by your doctor in order to diagnose you with autonomic neuropathy. Breathing tests are conducted. A tilt table test is done to check for any changes in blood pressure due to changes in position that are causing dizziness. Gastrointestinal test is done to check the functioning and anatomy of the body. A test known as Quantitative Sudomotor Axon Reflex Test (QSART) is conducted. To check the temperature dependent sweat production, the test known as Thermoregulatory sweat test is ordered.  A test for the urinary system of the body is done which includes urine analysis and urodynamic test is done to check the bladder function. Ultrasound is also ordered.

Treatment of Autonomic neuropathy
Treatments for autonomic neuropathy include homeopathic treatment, acupuncture and acupressure treatment, psychotherapy treatment of autonomic neuropathy, conventional or allopathic treatment, dietary and herbal treatments and other treatments of autonomic neuropathy. 

Homeopathic treatment of Autonomic neuropathy
Homeopathic treatment for autonomic neuropathy is done by using natural compounds in the nature. These help in repairing the affected nerve. This treatment acts by treating the cause of the neuropathy. Hence causes like diabetes, autoimmune disease and rest are treated also. Homeopathy does not only act to treat the pathology but also acts on the body generally and improves the health of the system. Homeopathy strengthens and stimulates the body protective mechanism to fight against any infectious disease or organism in the body. It is very effective in improving the immune system. Homeopathic medication and remedies for Autonomic neuropathy are Alum Sil, Gels, Curare, Lath and Physo.  

Acupuncture and Acupressure treatment of Autonomic neuropathy
Acupuncture acts by stimulating the sensory or motor nerve endings of the body by inserting acupuncture needles in specific nerve points.  These needles help stimulating the nerve endings and help the person to be able to feel in places which were numb before. It also helps in relieving pain. 

Conventional or Allopathic treatment of Autonomic neuropathy
The conventional or allopathic treatment is prescribed by the doctor. In order to treat autonomic neuropathy, your doctor will prescribe you medication and drugs for all your symptoms. In order to relieve the constipation, your doctor will give you motility increasing drugs for the intestines. Patients who are having depression are given anti-depressants. Patients who face erectile dysfunction are also given specific drugs for that. Females are prescribed vaginal lubricants. In order to control blood pressure, beta blockers are prescribed. In order to control sweating, drugs are also given. 

Dietary and herbal treatment of Autonomic neuropathy
Keeping a careful and balanced diet can also help the patient in improving their state. Certain foods make the symptoms worse and some relieve them. Hence avoid eating foods that have high fat content, do not eat fried foods, red meat and dairy products that are whole fat. You should also avoid alcohol consumption. You should limit high fat junk food such as chips, candies and cookies. You should eat fresh fruits, whole grains and vegetables. You should consume all those foods that contain high number of vitamins. 

Precaution and prevention of Autonomic neuropathy
In order to avoid getting autonomic neuropathy disease, certain precautions can be taken which include keeping a check and control on blood glucose levels. As in diabetes, the increased level of glucose in the blood damages the nerves.  Alcoholism is a cause and a risk factor for autonomic neuropathy, hence in order to be done with it, seek care from someone experienced like a trained personnel or rehab center. If you have any other immune disease, get treatment for them. Keep your blood pressure in control by taking medication at time, eating food with less salt and maintaining an active lifestyle. Maintaining the weight and staying within the healthy BMI will also act as a prevention. Smoking is a risk factor. Hence stop smoking or seek help to stop. You should exercise regularly, this will keep the entire body healthy.


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