
Friday, February 2, 2018

Anal Itching

What is Anal Itching? 
This is a disease medically known as pruritis ani. It is usually an irritation of the skin at the opening of the anal canal where waste leaves the body leading to itching. This skin that surrounds this opening is known as the anus thus the disease is named anal itching. This irritation causes you to feel a desire to scratch that area. Though chemicals in the stool may be the cause of itching, this is usually an indicator that the anal area has an inflammation. Inflammation and itching increase as a result of intense scratching and moisture is present. Anal itching causes discomfort that is almost intolerable which feels sore and has a burning sensation.

What causes Anal Itching?
Anal itching can be caused by many factors such as irritating chemicals in the foodstuff you ingest. These are mostly in spices, peppers, and hot sauces. Frequent liquid stools, for example, diarrhea, have moisture which can irritate the anus if you experience them frequently. 
Another factor is the escape of incontinence stool. Moisture in them increases the possibility of causing you an anal infection mostly yeast infections. If you suffer from diabetes or HIV, you may contract this easily. If you are under treatment with antibiotics, this can cause you to get a yeast infection and anal irritation. Psoriasis is also another possible cause of anal itching.

If you have fistulas, which come from the colon, and are results of diseases such as Crohn's disease, they can cause you irritation as they carry fluids to the anal area. These fluids are a rare occurrence and tumors as a result of these fistulas may bring you anal itching. Other factors that may cause you to develop anal itching are the pinworms, engorged and dilated varicosity in the perianal area, fissures and an abnormal growth of local anal skin. Having a dry skin. As you age, the skin around your anus becomes prone to dryness which can cause continuous and intense itching.

If you wash this area excessively and with soaps that are harsh, wiping with toilet paper can cause you aggravated anal itching. If you also fail to rinse soap completely, it may also lead to increased irritation and anal itching. If you have been using laxatives frequently, they can lead to chronic diarrhea which could consequently lead to itching and irritation.

What are the signs and symptoms of Anal Itching?
The most obvious symptom you will show is having irritation around the anus accompanied by a strong desire to scratch. When you sit, scratch or have moisture in the anal area, the intensity of the irritation increases.

You may also experience stool that is laced with blood, bleeding in your rectum, or if you are a man, itching in the penis. You may also experience increased intolerance to anal itching due to a burning sensation and soreness of the anal area mostly during and after bowel movements.

Diagnosis of Anal Itching
If you have symptoms of itching, your doctor will ask questions about what symptoms you have and your medical history or if you are on any medication. He or she may also inquire about your personal habits for hygiene.  If you are suspected to have pinworms, a test will be conducted physically or you may have a digital rectal exam.

If you have no obvious cause, you may need to see a skin specialist or a proctologist. You may undergo tests such as colonoscopy to check if you have a problem with the digestive system. Sometimes the cause may never be identified.

Prevention of Anal Itching
You can prevent the development of this disease by avoiding irritants whether they are in form of food, genital deodorants, moist wipes, citrus fruits, spices, and pepper or hot sauce. You should also avoid using a laxative for a prolonged period of time. Maintenance of regular and firm bowel movements since they help reduce the risk of infection. If you have a frequent soft stool, you should add fiber supplements in your diet. This may help in hardening your stool and reducing the risk of infection. 

Treatment of Anal Itching
Most of the time, treatment of anal itching depends on the cause of the problem. You may be required to indulge in self-care procedures such as anti-itch creams or getting treatment for hemorrhoids and other infections. You may be given an antihistamine if your itching worsens at night. It is mostly in the oral form until other measures like anti-itch creams start taking effect.

Homeopathy has been used in the treatment of anal itching and it has been very effective in giving a long-lasting cure. It will treat you wholly as its main focus is in balancing energy systems, improving body immunity and functions. It treats the disease from the root cause.

Home remedies are also very effective in the treatment and management of anal itching. Some examples include; using moist cotton balls to dry yourself up after bowel movements. You should cleanse and dry off gently without scrubbing. This is aimed to keep the anal area clean without the additional irritation of the skin. After cleansing yourself, you can use unmedicated talcum to keep the area dry. Placing a dry or moistened cotton ball around the anus helps in absorption of moisture which causes irritation. You should replace it as needed to keep the area clean. Not scratching helps your skin to heal faster. If the desire is intolerable, you may use a cold compress to help ease the itching. This has been used as a remedy to keep you comfortable as you recuperate. You should keep short nails and don on cotton gloves while going to bed to aid in preventing scratching.

Another help in treatment is when you wear cotton underwear and loose pants. This will help keeping you dry in tight fitting clothes will definitely trap the moisture around your anal area. To help protect your skin from gathering moisture, you can apply zinc oxide ointments or baby petroleum jelly. This will help to reduce the itching and relieve you from the burning sensation that comes with scratching.


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