
Friday, February 2, 2018


What is Amyloidosis?
There is an abnormal protein substance in the body called amyloid. Amyloid buildup in an organ in the body can damage it and cause that organ to fail. When these protein deposits have built up in an organ it is a disease called amyloidosis. Anyway, this buildup is a rare occurrence. It usually affects such organs as the heart, the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, the nervous system, the soft tissues, the liver, joints, and even the skin. When amyloid collects in the body generally, it’s called body amyloidosis. Many forms of amyloidosis are not curable, nor preventable.

What are the symptoms of Amyloidosis?
Because these protein deposits find their way in organs, the symptoms you notice will usually depend on the organ affected. When your heart, for instance is affected, you’ll develop chest pain, your breath will be short, irregular heartbeat, low blood pressure. If on the other hand, it’s your kidney, your urine will be foamy, and edema will set in. If liver, your upper abdomen will swell. If your gastrointestinal tract, you’ll have nausea, constipation, loss of appetite, weight loss; and if your nerves, tingling in your limbs, pain, numbness, nausea, diarrhea, and inability to feel temperature. Generalized symptoms are: weakness, fatigue, tingling, bruises, swollen tongue, weight loss, skin changes, urine protein, and difficulty in swallowing.

What are the types and causes
of Amyloidosis?
Light chain amyloidosis: This is the commonest type. This will happen when light chains build up in your heart, liver, kidneys, and skin.
Dialysis-related amyloidosis: This type may affect you when you stay on dialysis for long as a result of a kidney problem. The deposits occur in tendons and joints to cause stiffness. Hereditary amyloidosis: This type is rare and is the result of genetic mutation that runs in a family.
Autoimmune amyloidosis: This type can occur with serious infections like inflammatory bowel disease, tuberculosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. This affects the kidney and damages the liver, heart, or intestines.
Senile amyloidosis: Here, the hearts of older men are affected.
General causes of amyloidosis can be said to be genetic, inflammatory diseases, or infection.

Who is at risk of Amyloidosis?
Everyone is susceptible to amyloidosis. However, certain factors can put you at greater risk.
These include:
Age: Usually from 50 years of age.
Health of your kidney: If you have injured kidney and have to take dialysis, you are at risk because dialysis is not capable of getting rid of proteins in your blood like kidneys.
Gender: 70 percent of the cases are borne by men.
Family history: Hereditary amyloidosis runs in families.
Race: African-Americans are more susceptible than other races.
Medical history: Infections and inflammatory diseases make you more prone to this disease.

Diagnosed of Amyloidosis?
Your doctor will want to have knowledge of your symptoms as well as your medical history. Your doctor must be acquainted with specific details to avoid wrong diagnosis since the symptoms of this disease can be quite similar to the symptoms of other diseases.
Blood and urine tests: These tests are relevant to check your amyloid protein levels, and also the functions of your liver and thyroid.
Echocardiogram: This to test your heart.
Biopsy: This to analyze samples of tissue from your heart, stomach, kidneys, nerves, liver in order to decide your type of amyloidosis.
Bone marrow biopsy and aspiration: These to remove both fluid and tissue from your bone so as to check for abnormal cell development.
To see the type you have, immunochemical staining test, and its counterpart, protein electrophoresis may be performed.

Precautions and Prevention of Amyloidosis
By promptly treating infections and inflammatory diseases before they get out of hand to trigger Amyloidosis, this can be prevented. 

Treatment of Amyloidosis
Amyloidosis is not a curable disease. Therefore treatments are aimed to slow down the production of protein in the organ site and so reduce symptoms.

General treatments
General medications are used to put symptoms under control.
These are pain relievers, drugs that stop diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting; diuretics  to reduce fluid buildup in your body, blood thinners so blood doesn’t clot, and medicines that control heartbeat.
AL amyloidosis is treated with chemotherapy to destroy the abnormal blood cells just as in cancer treatment.
Proteasome inhibitors: These will block proteasomes that break down proteins.
Hereditary amyloidosis
Kidney transplant is also advised if possible.
Immunomodulators: These will whittle down the response of an overactive immune system.
AA amyloidosis
In this case, treatments are carried out depending on the cause. Antibiotics for bacterial infections, while inflammation drugs go for Inflammatory conditions. If your amyloidosis
is dialysis-related the treatment can be done by changing the dialysis type you have. Kidney transplant is also here a possibility.

Complications of Amyloidosis
Amyloidosis is dangerous. It damages any organ in which it can build itself up.
Heart damage:  If Amyloidosis develops in your heart, its electrical system is disrupted, causing the heart to stop beating effectively. Stiffness develops in your heart, and the heart’s pumping operations weaken. As a result, you develop shortness of breath, while low blood pressure develops. Finally, heart failure may result from this.
Nerve damage: Amyloid that has piled up in the nerves damages them. As a result, you feel tingling sensations in your limbs, coupled with numbness. Nerves that have something to do with the functions of your bowel and blood pressure may also be affected.

Kidney damage: Amyloidosis that has developed in the kidney will damage its filters, making it increasingly difficult for the kidney to evacuate waste from your blood. This situation makes the kidney overlabor, leading to failure.

Homeopathic Treatment of Amyloidosis
Homeopathy treats the patient as a whole. It gets at the root cause of the ailment not just controlling the symptoms. It can nullify abnormal tissues and stop them from forming, and then help the restoration of normal tissue. The treatment of homeopathy is constitutive. It addresses the patient’s pathological condition, balancing the flow of energy in the body system, building up and improving the immunity of the patient and body capacities. The patient’s disorder is then naturally cured. Ars alb, Kali Iod, Ger M, Phos, and Cup act, are a few of the homeopathic drugs for Amyloidosis.

Conventional and Allopathic Treatment of Amyloidosis
The medications here are: Corticosteroid, which retards the growth of abnormal cells of the organ affected. Inflammatory arthritis is cured with anti-inflammatory drugs.

Surgical Treatment of Amyloidosis
Surgery is mostly necessary here for organ transplant.

Dietary and Herbal Treatment of Amyloidosis
Eat foods low in salt.
Reduce consumption of red meat.
Distance yourself from processed food.
Consume fresh fruit and veggies.
Refined dairy products should be avoided


Patient's Feedback

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