
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Baker's Cyst

What is Baker's Cyst?
A baker's cyst is a cyst that forms behind the knee in the popliteal area. It is also known as popliteal cyst. A cyst is a closed sac filled with fluid. However, the baker's cyst is not a true cyst as it is in communication with the synovial fluid but in a few cases, the cyst pinches off from the synovial cavity of the joint. Synovial fluid is the liquid present in the joint. In baker's cyst, the fluid comes from the joint fluid. It is a benign condition, which means that it does not spread. Areas that are commonly susceptible to the baker's cyst are between the muscle of gastrocnemius and semimembranosus muscle of the leg.

Symptoms of Baker's Cyst
There are several symptoms observed by the patient. The swelling could be behind the knee joint or in the leg. It is a tender swelling which is reducible by massage with the knee in mid-flexion. Tenderness means that it is painful to the touch. Due to the cyst, the patient feel’s tightness or stiffness behind the knee joint or popliteal area. The knee can also be painful. The cyst is a fluid filled sac hence it feels like a balloon filled with liquid. 

Causes of Baker's Cyst
There are several causes for the formation of Baker's cyst. It is caused by excess joint fluid that accumulats in a sac and bulges out, leaking liquid if damaged. This leakage can be caused by any trauma or injury to the knee or knee joint. The inflammation of the knee joint can also cause Baker's cyst.  The inflammation could occur due to diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It can also be caused by a tear in the cartilage of the joint. In children, a Baker's cyst is not caused by any underlying joint disease. 

Risk factors of Baker's Cyst
Underlying medical diseases of the joint increase the chances of developing the Baker's cyst, hence acting as risk factors. Osteoarthritis, the condition in which the bones are inflamed, is one of the risk factors. Rheumatoid arthritis is also a risk factor, and it is the inflammation of the joint caused by an autoimmune disorder in the body. Any previous injuries or trauma to the knee can also make the person more prone to developing the Baker's cyst. 

Complications of Baker's Cyst
There are a few complications of the Baker's cyst that can develop in certain cases. Sharp pain in the knee can cause the patient to limit their movement. At times, a tear can form on the cyst and the fluid present in the cyst starts draining into the tissue around the cyst, causing it to become red and swollen. A very rare and serious complication known as Deep Venous Thrombosis (DVT) can occur also. It is a life-threatening complication. 

Lab Investigations and diagnosis of Baker's Cyst
A diagnosis for Baker’s cyst is mainly done by clinical examination. The cyst can be easily seen when the patient is standing. It can be palpated or felt when the knee is bent or semi-flexed.  A complete physical examination helps in pointing the diagnosis towards the osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis. However, the diagnostic test that is most effective is an Ultrasound of the joint. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) can also be done which is a more advanced test. Ultra sound and MRI can tell the extent of the cyst. 

Treatment of Baker's cyst
There are multiple approaches to treating atypical Baker's cyst. These include homeopathic treatment of Baker's cyst, treatment through conventional or allopathic means, surgical procedures, dietary and herbal treatments, and others.

Homeopathic treatment of Baker's cyst
Homeopathic treatment is done by using natural compounds present in the environment. Homeopathy helps the patient in relieving the symptoms caused by the Baker's cyst. Homeopathy help to decrease the swelling in the joint and area surrounding it. It also helps relieve the pain of the patient. Stiffness caused by the Baker's cyst can also be relieved. Homeopathy not only treats the pathology or the concerned abnormality in the patient, but also improves the overall health of the patient. It improves the overall health by balancing the energy system of the body. 

The immune system is the system in the body which protects the point from foreign infectious agents. It is the defense system of the body. Homeopathy strengthens and improves this immune system. Homeopathy also improves the rest of the functions of the body. It cures the person’s disease from the root naturally.  A few remedies used in homeopathy are Calc, Calc F, Thuja, Caust and Benz Ac.

Conventional or Allopathic treatment of Baker's cyst
The allopathic treatment for Baker's cyst is given by the general physician or the concerned doctor. First, the fluid from the cyst is removed to decrease the size of the cyst. Afterwards, medications and drugs such as steroids are used to decrease the inflammation of the joint by injecting them to the joint directly. The steroid usually used is cortisone. It can only be injected by a trained person.

Surgical treatment of the Baker's cyst
If the size of the Baker's cyst is way too big and is causing a lot of discomfort, it can be removed by surgery.

Other treatments of Baker's cyst
Home treatment or other natural treatments can be used to help with cyst. Ice packs help to reduce the temperature of the cyst and reduce the inflammation, swelling and reduce the pain. Massaging the popliteal area gently with help of warm olive oil also helps in decreasing the swelling caused by the Baker's cyst.  Application of heat to the joint can also help the patient deal with the pain.  In order to provide support to the knee joint, a knee brace can also be used. This helps in stabilizing the joint.

Precautions and prevention of Baker's Cyst
The formation of Baker's cyst cannot be prevented. But a few precautions can help to reduce the risk factors. These include avoiding activities that can put strain on the knee joints. These activities include strenuous leg and glute exercises, and other tasks such as lifting heavy objects.  You should try resting your knee if you have any of the causes of risk factors that cause the Baker's cyst. The weight should be kept in the healthy range. The BMI should not be in the overweight or obesity range. A few exercises, recommended by a physiotherapist, can help the patient from keeping the baker's cyst from forming.


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